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It is easy to recognize changes when we look behind. It is harder to predict the future. However, by combining later history with what we can see around us, we can probably find some trends.
Trends for TVET
What will happen with the Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the coming years?
The last 10 years have had a massive impact on the demand for the skills and numbers of TVET graduates in developed economies. The world, including the world of TVET, is undergoing substantial change. Globalization, technology, the world of work, and physical choices: all have the potential to influence TVET in the areas. The last years with a pandemic situation have pushed the change faster and at a speed, no one thought was possible just some years back.
The transformation to a greener economy and more use of digital solutions could generate 60 million additional jobs globally over the next two decades. This may lift millions of workers out of poverty [1]
A study found that the biggest changes that have occurred in the world of work over the past five years:
- Growing use of information and communications technologies (ICT) and digitalization
- Rapid technological change (broadly defined)
- Increased automation
- Greater focus on sustainability and use of renewable and energy-efficient processes in the workplace
Digital technologies and robotics
Digital technologies have spread rapidly in much of the world influencing all disciplines, economies, industries and the world of work. The massively accelerated application of robotics in manufacturing has changed the decision matrix and low labour costs in developing economies are now being offset by lower labour input costs in developed economies adopting robotics and new materials. On the other hand, it creates the need for new skills.
For TVET, a revolution in the curriculum is required to prepare graduates for an immediate job, but also for continuing employment. Imagine having been trained in extractive technology such as cutting, boring, turning using the finest equipment only to find that employment depends on additive technology, the application of 3D printers [3].
Automation is a term for technology applications where human input is minimized. This includes business process automation, IT automation, personal applications such as home automation and more. Automation looks to eliminate the jobs in which computers outperform humans, so whether you are a business analyst, translator or cashier there is reason to worry about a computer who can do your job faster, better and cheaper. The IBM company try to divide automation into four main categories:
- Basic automation
- Process automation
- Integration automation
- Artificial intelligence automation
Basic automation
Basic automation takes simple, rudimentary tasks and automates them. This level of automation is about digitizing work by using tools to streamline and centralize routine tasks, such as using a shared messaging system instead of having information in disconnected silos. Business process management (BPM) and robotic process automation (RPA) are types of basic automation.
Process automation
Process automation manages business processes for uniformity and transparency. It is typically handled by dedicated software and business apps. Using process automation can increase productivity and efficiency within your business. It can also deliver new insights into business challenges and suggest solutions. Process mining and workflow automation are types of process automation.
Integration automation
Integration automation is where machines can mimic human tasks and repeat the actions once humans define the machine rules. One example is the “digital worker.” In recent years, people have defined digital workers as software robots that are trained to work with humans to perform specific tasks. They have a specific set of skills, and they can be “hired” to work on teams.
Artificial intelligence (AI) automation
The most complex level of automation is artificial intelligence (AI) automation. The addition of AI means that machines can “learn” and make decisions based on past situations they have encountered and analyzed. For example, in customer service, virtual assistants powered can reduce costs while empowering both customers and human agents, creating an optimal customer service experience.
The Future for TVET
We have already seen huge changes in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) as we look at the trends in the industry and work-life. We can expect that this trend will continue in the coming years. The changes will create millions of jobs. Many initiatives are pointing towards the same direction:
The future for TVET will be greener, smarter and without limits.
[1] The UNESCO strategy for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) (2016-2021) http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002452/245239e.pdf [2] Gita Subrahmanyam and Bindu Law: The future of TVET teaching (2020), UNESCO-UNEVOC [3] TVET Journal http://www.tvetjournal.com/the-future-of-tvet.html [4] IBM https://www.ibm.com/topics/automation
Lucubrate Magazine November 2021
The picture on the top of the article: Adobe stock
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